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Show off your hard work knowing Duuo’s got your back!

Our vendor insurance for craft shows is designed to keep you protected while you focus on exhibiting your work.

Why choose Duuo?

Duuo developed our vendor insurance product to meet the demands of artists showing their creations at craft shows across Canada. Offering online, on-demand products, Duuo allows customers to purchase vendor insurance for craft shows in minutes!

We’ve done away with service fees and surcharges for amendments, instead providing affordable premiums that can be cancelled anytime before you’re due to operate your booth or kiosk without any cancellation fees.

What is vendor insurance for craft shows?

Vendor insurance for craft shows provides coverage to exhibitors at events where they are showcasing their products. Vendor insurance offers coverage for Bodily Injury to others and Property Damage as a result of your actions as a vendor.

In fact, most event organizers will require you to purchase coverage before the event begins in order to be sure you’re protected.

What does vendor insurance for craft shows cover?

Our vendor insurance policy for craft shows covers the following:

  • Event liability (Bodily Injury & Property Damage)
  • Tenants’ Legal Liability
  • Medical payments*

*We offer limited coverage for medical expenses incurred. For more detailed information on what’s covered, please refer to your policy.

How to purchase insurance from Duuo

Purchasing vendor insurance for craft shows with Duuo takes less than 5 minutes. Simply fill in a quote and provide us with a few details about your booth, and we’ll email you an affordable quote! Starting at just $15 a day, Duuo customers don’t have to worry about service fees, cancellation fees, or broker consultations.

Sign up to purchase and manage your account with ease thanks to our user-friendly dashboard. Once you’ve secured your coverage, we can send the Confirmation of Insurance directly to your event organizer.


Submitting a claim

While we’re confident that your experience as a vendor will be stress-free, sometimes things just happen. That’s why you purchase vendor insurance for craft shows in the first place! Should you ever need to submit a claim, you can do so entirely online.

Simply log in to your Duuo account and provide us with a few details about what happened, and one of our friendly claims adjusters will follow up with you to learn more!

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We have answers!

What is the liability limit for Duuo vendor insurance?

You can choose between a $2,000,000 or $5,000,000 liability limit when you are purchasing your policy.

Where is Duuo vendor insurance available?

Duuo vendor insurance is available in select Canadian provinces. It is not yet available in the territories. While not yet available, we are expecting to launch our vendor insurance product in Quebec soon.

Is there a deductible?

There is no deductible applicable to liability claims, however, if you have purchased our optional Business Property Coverage, there is a $1,000 deductible applicable to those losses.

Can I use Duuo vendor insurance for an event that takes place outside of Canada?

Duuo is exclusively available in Canada, and as a result we can only offer coverage for events that take place exclusively in Canada.

The event host asked to have their business address listed on the Certificate of Insurance– can I add this after I’ve purchased my policy?

We are currently working on making this function available to our clients, but for the time being it is not something we offer.

If you need to make a change to your Certificate of Insurance after you’ve purchased your policy, we recommend you log in to your Duuo account and cancel your original policy. We’ll instantly refund 100% your policy premium, but this may take up to 7 days to appear on your credit card. After you have been refunded, you can purchase a new policy with the updated information.

To avoid this situation, we recommend taking time to ensure every detail has been correctly filled out when you are adding insureds to your Certificate of Insurance.

If I have multiple events in the same week, will this policy cover me for each of them?

Our vendor insurance policies will cover the policy holder for one specific vending opportunity at one event for the selected time frame.  If you wish to purchase coverage for multiple events, you will need to purchase a separate policy for each.

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Exciting news! The 2025 Duuo by Co-operators Embedded Insurance Report is finally here